Vision and Mission


  1. A happy, healthy and creative child whose rights are protected and honored in a society that is built on respect for dignity, justice, and equity for all.
  2. To provide all kinds of support to war widow and children of the martyred soldiers.
  3. To manage, control, and supervise the affairs, movable and immovable properties and monetary fund and financial transactions of the Trust.
  4. To engage and hire all kinds of human resources and/or appoint all types of staff, labor,   Teachers, Professors, instructors, and/or all type of other employees and/or labor required to achieve the aims and objectives of the Trust.
  5. To give donations to religious and charitable institutions of repute, who are well established and well organized, including Prime Ministers Relief Fund, National Institute of Blind and such other public charitable institutions
  6. To publish journals, magazines, books, brochures, audiovisual materials for propagation, dissemination of information and creation of public awareness etc.
  7. To use the print and the electronic media for creating mass awareness about the objective of Trust.
  8. To receive donations and create endowments from individuals, firms, corporate bodies, organizations, governments (Central & States) and other public bodies and financial Institutions.
  9. To establish contacts to affiliate with institutions and organizations having similar activities, aims and objectives in India and abroad.
  10. To raise funds through grants donations, admission fee, educational bonds, subscriptions loans, etc. for meeting expenditure on the aims and objects of the Trust.
  11. To receive, accept, purchase, sell, lease, take a lease, exchange, acquire any movable or immovable properties or any rights and privilege for the fulfillment of the aims and objectives as may be deemed fit for the fulfillment of aims and objectives of the Trust.


  1. To enable people to take responsibility for the situation of the deprived Indian child and so motivate them to seek resolution through individual and collective action thereby enabling children to realize their full potential.
  2. To make people discover their potential for action and change.
  3. To enable peoples’ collectives and movements encompassing diverse segments, to pledge their particular strengths, working in partnership to secure, protect and honor the rights of India’s children.
  4. Prevention and protection of Child Labour, the establishment of Educational centers for street children , prevention from sexual abuses of children , Creating public awareness campaign for Right to education, a fundamental right enshrined in the Indian constitution and to promote primary health care of children, and opening of schools , running counselling centres for children in distress.
  5. To promote common interests of all the human beings for promoting harmony and cultural interaction of different culture of Indian society.
  6. Providing all kinds of support to people with differently abled.

  7. To promote the study, practice, and knowledge of music, art, science and to give or to invite writers, speakers, poets, composers, philosophers, religious preachers and to purchase copyrights, books, pamphlets, articles, magazines and to give prizes and awards.
  8. To accumulate capital by means of monthly subscription fees or otherwise from members and also borrowing money from members or any other persons on such security on such terms as the Company may from time to time arrange and accept and to accept donations, contribution grants either in cash or in kind from any person, persons, companies, corporations, institutions on such terms and for such objects which are in conformity with the objects and on conditions, including the conditions of associating the name of such person, or persons and such purpose or purposes are in conformity with the object of the Company.
  9. To accumulate the income of the funds of the Company and to transfer the same with the corpus unless otherwise determined to be as accumulated.
  10. To purchase, acquire, take on rent, exchange, mortgage or otherwise any movable properties including furniture, fixtures, books, conveyances, appliances, instruments, vehicles etc, or immovable properties and any rights and privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Company and to construct, rejuvenate, rehabilitate and develop immovable property consistent with the object or otherwise deal with all or any part of the assets and rights of the Company for cash or any other consideration with a view to the promotion of the objects of the Company.
  11. To retain the properties received as donations either in the shape of movable or immovable properties and to permit the same to remain in the actual state thereof so long as the Company may think fit and at any time or times to sell, call in or convert into money the aforesaid Assets.
  12. To appoint committees, advisory Boards, governing Body for any institution, established, run and maintained by the Company.
  13. To retain and/or employ skilled, professional or technical advisers and other staff and workers in connection with the objects of the Company and to pay there for such fees or remuneration as may be considered expedient.
  14. To indemnify the employees, staff of the Company against proceedings, losses, costs, damages, claims and demands under Law of Equity or otherwise in respect f accidents, injury, death of employees, staff of the Company employed by the Company whether as workman, clerk, officer, technician, etc. and to appoint adviser or Insurers to investigate